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You want to achieve top-quality results in recording, audio mixing, Dolby Atmos mixing, and mastering. Our blog page provides detailed information about our Studio and tutorials on these subjects, such as 'Mastering the Art of Audio Mixing' and 'Recording Techniques for Beginners '.
Our blog posts are not site-specific. You can use these techniques in any studio around the world. The tips help you navigate a studio session, give insight into the studio perspective, and offer tips and tricks for getting the sound you are searching for.
We illustrate pitfalls we have encountered, cutting-edge tools, and rules and guidelines to strictly follow. You get everything between our use of the Dynamount, our Dolby Atmos Mixing Studio, the Synergy and Kemper Amplifier systems, Izotope's Tonal Balance, and Process Audio's Decibel.
Our services include video recording, mixing, and mastering, all available to Cleveland, Ohio, and its surrounding areas. We're not just dedicated to providing the very best, but we're also committed to enhancing and valuing your unique artistry.
Read Our Blogs
Dolby Atmos Mixing For Music
Dolby Atmos Mixing For Music at Starsound Studios. Dolby Atmos Immersive Audio is a unique format allowing the listener to be immersed in audio. We have built a 9.1.4 Dolby Atmos system and are ready to mix your music like you have never dreamed of it sounding.
Hip Hop Rap Recording
Starsound Studios is offering a free Hip Hop - Rap music studio open house Saturday August 7th, 2021 and once a month after that.
Introducing the hip hop rap music open house at Starsound Studios. Come learn about recording hip hop music in a professional studio setting. Have your questions answered by a professional engineer and collaborate with other similar minded artists. Topics can include:
What is a vocal comp and why should I do it? Why would you use Waves Torque plugin? What LUFS standard goes with which social media platform and why is that important? I shouldn't use an MP-3? What is a reference track?
Come to our open house once a month on Saturdays from 1 to 3pm. Get free information, collaborate, network, and stop overpaying for your recording and getting very little in return.